There are questions we often ask ourselves in order to explore and define why clients work with us and trust us.


What are the EFI-labs’ strengths?

  • We are specialized. This narrows down our market but makes us exceptionally educated in this niche.
  • We are highly experienced and effective in communication. Well, this is a must considering the size of the team and the amount of work we complete.
  • We will tell you immediately if we cannot answer your question. If we have the chance we will try to give you some other contacts where your problem might be solved.
  • We will let you know if your idea for analysis is not effective in our point of view. We don’t want to offend you of course, we compose very polite e-mails. This way we protect both you and ourselves from a disappointment and save money for your company.
  • We have clients from all areas of electronics production, from PWB and component manufacturers to the automotive sector. A great deal of information and knowledge is being concentrated and synthesized here.
  • We find engineering values essential and consider all our outputs business-cards. We know our reports travel through many mailboxes, sometimes even in different countries, sometimes to potential new clients. It is often the one and only chance to get known and make an impression. It is also your guarantee for quality.

What statements do we express in our reports?

  • We only make a statement if there is something to state. We are confident enough to just say ‘perhaps’. Quite often no combination of available analytical methods will lead to the desired results and conclusion. But in most cases we can tell you in advance what you can expect.

How do we manage quality?

  • We truly believe that the work we ever deliver to our customers is the main way of representing the work morale of our team. Results of the investigation are always evaluated by at least two members of the EFI staff. Reports are double-checked by EFI team leaders.

We are paid by our clients. How could we consider ourselves independent?

  • Ever since the beginning of our EFI activities we’ve believed in a long-term and growing potential. Authenticity is vital.
    Sometimes we come to conclusions which prove that the failure is our client’s fault and we write it down honestly. Yes, there has been a negligible number of attempts to push us in another direction. But keeping our principles has proven to be fruitful: these clients have the greatest trust in us nowadays.

Why do we introduce our team members on the website?

  • Why should we hide ourselves from you? The EFI team is a specific group and we are proud of the members. These guys learn every day, case by case and share their new experiences with each other. Everybody has his own strengths but, as a main principle, everybody started his EFI career with preparing optical microscopic images. As a university group we, of course, make great efforts to integrate our knowledge into education and to raise potential team members.

What are the plans of EFI-labs?

  • We have been continuously working on making EFI a strong brand. The EFI logo on a report shall provide the pledge of authenticity. We work to make EFI synonymous with failure analysis of electronics production.


Dye&Pry test performed on a BGA component


X-ray micrograph of a non-wetted component terminal


SEM micrograph of a brittle fracture surface
